Replacing the old bridge
- GENDER: male
- AGE: 56 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: The patient reported issues with an old bridge that had come loose.
- TREATMENT: We addressed the problem by fitting a zirconium bridge with a ceramic overlay.
Porcelain veneers for central incisors
- GENDER: female
- AGE: 70+ years old
- THE REASON FOR THE APPOINTMENT: Aesthetic problem-crossed central incisors.
- WHAT WAS DONE: A 70+ year-old patient came into the clinic concerned about the issue of her crossed central upper teeth. Due to her age and reluctance for orthodontic treatment, we were able to offer a solution of Porcelain Veneers. This treatment consists of ceramic plates that are created specific to the individual's shape and colour of the tooth. After a professional dental clean & polish and tooth whitening, the veneers were fitted. The difference the 2 veneers made! Completely changed her appearance creating a new natural beautiful smile!
Invisalign and Implants
- GENDER: female
- AGE: 45 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: The patient lacked molars, making it challenging to chew. The presence of dark gaps and misaligned teeth affected the overall aesthetics.
- TREATMENT: We corrected the alignment using Invisalign trays and placed implants where the molars were missing.
4 porcelain veneers for front teeth
- GENDER: female
- AGE: 52 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: The patient was unhappy with the appearance of her front teeth.
- TREATMENT:We placed 4 porcelain veneers, transforming her smile dramatically.
- GENDER: female
- AGE: 36 years old
- REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: The patient came with sensitivity in the area of a previously treated posterior tooth.
- TREATMENT: A 36-year-old patient came to us complaining of sensitivity on a tooth with a previous restoration. We could see this restoration had become defective which was the reason for the pain. The old filling was removed and the tooth was restored with a new light-cured composite material, relieving her of the pain and sensitivity!
Composite restoration
- GENDER: female
- AGE: 55 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: Chipped 22 lateral incisor.
- WORK WAS DONE: This patient came into the clinic with a chipped incisor tooth which she was conscious about as it was pretty visible. We were able to restore this tooth with a composite material that matched the original tooth colour and shape!
Professional dental cleaning
- GENDER: male
- AGE: 43 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: Regular hygiene appointment.
- WORK WAS DONE: Patient presented with heavy calculus build-up and staining. His treatment consisted of scaling with a high-frequency vibration ultrasonic scaler, air abrasion, and finished with polishing! The patient was so happy with his results becoming a regular attendee of his 6 monthly hygiene appointments!
Professional dental cleaning
- GENDER: female
- AGE: 43 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: Our regular patient visits us regularly once a year. Need: a preventive examination of the oral cavity and dental hygiene.
- WORK WAS DONE: One of our regular patients originally came into the clinic to address the staining she has behind her lower teeth. We managed to acquire the natural colour of her teeth after a full scale and polish to which she was so happy!
Broken baby tooth
- GENDER: male
- AGE: 8 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: broken tooth due to trauma
- WORK WAS DONE: Accidents happen and can cause a lot of worry and trauma. This patient came in after falling off the swing at the park and chipped his front tooth. Luckily his mother was able to find the broken tooth which we were able to bond it back to the natural tooth with the help of a composite material. Although a baby tooth and just a small fragment, there is nothing better than our own tooth! So, if possible, we will try to fix the issue with the broken piece. You could not tell this was bonded back on and with good care will last until his permanent adult teeth come through!
Professional dental cleaning
- GENDER: female
- AGE: 45 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: The patient requires a comprehensive professional dental cleaning.
- WORK WAS DONE: Another patient with heavy staining at the back of her lower teeth. After a comprehensive scale and polish, alongside some oral health care tips, we were able to restore her teeth back to their natural colour and maintain these results!
Professional dental cleaning
- GENDER: female
- AGE: 22 years old
- WORK WAS DONE: This patient came in to address her smile before her wedding. She is a regular smoker which contributed to the staining and discolouration of her teeth. Professional scaling and polishing was done with an ultrasonic scaler and air abrasion device, resulting in a brand new bright smile all ready for her big day!
Professional dental cleaning
- GENDER: female
- AGE: 47 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: The patient requires a professional dental cleaning and check-up.
- WORK WAS DONE: This patient was very anxious coming to see us as they hadn't been to the Dentist or Hygienist in many years. We assured her to not feel embarrassed and were happy to have the opportunity to treat her! A full comprehensive scale and polish were done to her needs and comfort over two appointments. The heavy calculus and staining were removed accomplishing her new smile!
Tooth decay treatment
- GENDER: female
- AGE: 19 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: Sensitivity and pain during food consumption
- WORK WAS DONE: 19-year old patient presented with severe sensitivity and pain when eating. We found two carious lesions (holes) from decay in her upper pre-molars. We removed all the decay, cleaned the cavity, and restored them with a fiber-glass reinforced composite material. This alleviated the pain and protected the teeth from further decay!
Professional dental cleaning
- GENDER: male
- AGE: 52 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: The patient was going on vacation and decided to freshen up his smile.
- WORK WAS DONE: Our patient was going on vacation and decided to freshen up his smile. The tartar was removed with an ultrasonic scaler, and a plaque was removed with AirFlow followed by a tooth polish and fluorine-coated varnish. Fresh smile ready for a well-deserved holiday!
Treatment of tooth decay on the front incisors
- GENDER: female
- AGE: 35 years old
- TREATMENT: The patient came to us with a concern about the discolouration between her two front teeth. She also complained about some sensitivity in the area too, and we informed her the colour and pain were due to decay. Cavities on the front teeth require a bit more time and effort due to the anatomy and placement of the teeth. However, can easily be fixed! We removed the decay and filled the cavity with a light-cured composite material that matches the natural colour of the tooth. We also used this material to build up one of the teeth to obtain a lovely natural new symmetry of the front teeth completely revitalizing her smile!
Restoration of carious leison
- GENDER: Female
- AGE: 34 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: Carious leison of upper lateral incisor.
- TREATMENT: This patient came in experiencing pain from decay in one of her upper incisors. The extensive decay was removed resulting in a large cavity prep, however, this was filled, sculpted and colour matched with a composite material having the tooth look brand new again!
Crowns for 4 incisors
- GENDER: female
- AGE: 27 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: Unsatisfied aesthetical result of previous dental treatment.
- WORK WAS DONE: This patient came in unhappy from previous dental treatment and requested our help. We were able to restore her front teeth with 4 beautiful ceramic crowns. This consisted of teeth whitening before her crown prep appointment, whereby the teeth are prepared and 3D scanned to be sent to the lab for fabrication. Once fit, the patient was extremely happy with her new smile!
Replacing an old filling
- GENDER: female
- AGE: 21 years old
- THE REASON FOR THE APPOINTMENT: Issue with old filling.
- TREATMENT: In this case, the patient was complaining of an old filling which was causing sensitivity. The old filling was replaced with a composite material, alleviating the sensitivity and restoring the natural tooth anatomy and aesthetics.
Restoration of the posterior tooth after root canal treatment
- GENDER: male
- AGE: 30 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: Restoration of the posterior tooth after root canal treatment.
- WORK WAS DONE: This patient was suffering from a large defect in one of his molars. Our molars are an important tooth involved in chewing, so it is ideal to try to save them as much as we can! Despite a large decay of the tooth which was previously filled by a root canal treatment, the Dentist completely restored the anatomical structure of the tooth using high-strength composite filling material.
Broken front tooth
- GENDER: male
- AGE: 46 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: Broken front tooth due to an accident.
- TREATMENT: The patient came with a broken front tooth due to an accident. As a result, an urgent restoration was required since the defect was affecting the tongue with the sharp edges and delivered an aesthetic imperfection. Our Dentist was able to restore the tooth in a single visit with a new generation of composite material. The filling material is ideally matched to the natural shade of dentin and tooth enamel. The patient's tooth was preserved maintaining its integrity. As well as restoring his smile!
Restoration of 31, 41 teeth
- GENDER: female
- AGE: 33 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: Increased wear of the front lower teeth.
- TREATMENT: The patient came in with concerns over the aesthetics of her lower front teeth due to the increased wearing down of them. The patient did a treatment of whitening beforehand with our whitening trays in the clinic. The front 2 teeth were then restored with a composite filling material that matched the colour of the tooth. She was very happy with the result and her new smile!
Wedge-shaped defect of the 23rd tooth
- GENDER: male
- AGE: 34 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: Toothbrush abrasion defect on tooth with complaints of aesthetics and hypersensitivity.
- TREATMENT: The patient came in complaining of hypersensitivity in one of his teeth. We informed him that due to over-brushing in this area, the gum has receded and exposed the root of his tooth hence the sensitivity. Restoration of this tooth was carried out and filling material was selected to match the natural colour. This patient was advised to maintain a good recall routine with our Hygienist to monitor his gums.
Replacing the old bridge
- GENDER: male
- AGE: 56 years old
- THE REASON FOR APPOINTMENT: The patient reported issues with an old bridge that had come loose.
- TREATMENT: We addressed the problem by fitting a zirconium bridge with a ceramic overlay.