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Tooth removal

When you have a damaged tooth, your dentist will aim to fix it and save the tooth by using dental treatments such as root canals, crowns, or fillings. If the tooth is too badly damaged then extraction is needed.

Only a dentist or specialist will be able to tell if a tooth needs to be extracted. At the first appointment, they will examine and assess your teeth and mouth and recommend the best treatment option. Good oral hygiene and regular dentist visits can often prevent the need for tooth extraction.



By the time most people hit adulthood they have experienced discomfort or pain from wisdom teeth. This may be due to the fact that the average adult has 32 teeth in their mouth. However, the mouth is only made to hold 28 teeth on average. Wisdom teeth extraction is a common dental procedure that can help correct this issue. 

Wisdom teeth removal can be both a straightforward and complex process. If your wisdom teeth are impacted, or stuck, under your gums, local anesthetic will be required.

Reasons you may need to have your wisdom teeth removed:
  • Damage to teeth – wisdom teeth can push other teeth around your mouth resulting in pain and bite problems
  • Sinus problems – issues from wisdom teeth can lead to sinus pain, pressure, and congestion
  • Cysts – cysts can form around the new teeth causing damage to your jaw and nerves if not treated
  • Swollen gums – tissue around the area can swell and be hard to clean, which can lead to infection
  • Cavities – decay and swollen gums can become a feeding ground for bacteria causing cavities to form
  • Tooth alignment – impacted wisdom teeth can push other teeth leading to crowding and crooked teeth

Depending on the removal procedure the time it takes can range from 30 minutes to a few hours. 



Baby teeth are temporary, but their role in the formation of the dentition of the child is very important. On children’s X-rays, it can be seen that between their roots are the beginnings of permanent teeth. Inflammatory processes and serious damage to the milk tooth can cause rupture of the anlage and the formation of various defects. It is necessary to follow the rules of oral hygiene and introduce coarse plant foods to the child’s diet. However, in some cases, the question still arises about the need to remove a sick tooth. 

Parents and children should not be worried: experienced specialists work in our clinic and the latest generation of effective anesthetics are used.

The attending physician conducts a visual inspection of the oral cavity and, if necessary, sends the child for a radiographic examination. In the presence of strict indications, the tooth is to be removed. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. 

The algorithm of simple tooth extraction is simple: the doctor places a special tool on its crown part, swings it, and removes it from the hole. With difficult removal (with retention, and severe destruction), surgical access to the tooth is required first. This procedure lasts a little longer.

Clinics Marina Dentists are equipped with modern equipment. We strictly observe the antiseptic regime and the rules of sterilization of instruments. You are waiting for experienced professionals with direct experience working with children. You can sign up for a consultation by phone or using a special form on the website.


Chronic periodontitis is an inflammatory process that can be accompanied by the destruction of surrounding dental tissues, and the formation of granulomas and fistulas. This disease is a complication of untreated caries, chronic pulpitis, and lesions when it is a dense connective tissue that provides reliable fixation in the jaw. In the case of chronic periodontitis, the surrounding periodontal tissues gradually collapse, which inevitably leads to tooth loss.

Tooth extraction procedure

The patient is given an injection of an anesthetic drug. We use modern, high-quality anesthesia, which allows you to completely eliminate unpleasant sensations. After this special extraction of the tooth with the help of special tools. This makes it easy to remove and injure the surrounding tissue. After her thorough revision. Granulomas, gnomus contents of the fistula, are removed, in some cases, it is advisable to exercise the fistulous course.

After the procedure, you need to go 3-4 hours. It is necessary to avoid eating food, too hard, to contrast the temperature of food — it can injure the mucous membrane.

We perform the most complicated tooth-preserving operations. However, in some cases, tooth rescue is no longer possible. Modern diagnostic equipment helps to make an informed decision. Tooth extraction in our clinic is a completely painless procedure. Patients are received by experienced dentists with extensive experience.


The main priority of modern dentistry is the preservation of the patient’s own teeth. We use the most advanced techniques to avoid extraction. One of them — the resection of the apex of the tooth root. This is a surgical intervention that helps to stop the inflammatory process. Cysts are a fairly common complication of chronic irreversible pulpitis and periodontitis. Indications for this specific surgical procedure are also the closure of the apex foramina of the root canal and perforation of the roots.

Features of the procedure

Resection is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor dissects the soft tissue in the area of the projection of the root of the tooth, exfoliates it, and reveals the root of the tooth. Then all pathological tissues are removed: granulation, the lining of the cyst, and all its contents. The top of the root is removed. If necessary, retrograde root canal filling is performed. Soft tissue returns to its place. A pressure bandage is applied. 

  • At least 2 appointments.
  • At the first consultation visit your dentist will examine your teeth.
  • At the second visit, you will have your tooth or teeth extracted. This could be at a dentist's practice or an oral surgery clinic.
  • Further appointments may be needed if you have any problems or issues with your extraction.
How long it takes
  • The consultation will usually take around 30 minutes.
  • The extraction will usually take around 30 to 60 minutes.
You may be asked about
  • Your dental history and medical history.
  • Medications you are currently taking.
  • Your normal oral care routine at home.
  • Before your appointment.
  • For the consultation, you won't need any special preparation, but you should know beforehand about your dental and medical history.
  • The doctor will give the patient all the necessary recommendations regarding tactics in the postoperative period. If necessary, antiseptic rinses and painkillers will be prescribed.

The teeth, which could not erupt completely (or did not erupt at all), are referred to as impacted. Most often, this phenomenon is called “impacted wisdom teeth», but virtually any tooth can be virtually impacted. Tactics concerning him are determined individually. In some cases, dissection of the mucous membrane is sufficient, removal of the gingival hood, in others, orthodontic treatment or tooth extraction is required.

The main reason for retention is the wrong location of the tooth bud in the jaw bone. In such a situation, in the process of eruption, it “bumps” on a nearby tooth and cannot continue its growth. The tooth may be fully or partially impacted. In the first case, it is not visible, completely covered with soft tissues. The partial tooth is already above the gum level, a small portion of the coronal part is already visible, but most of the tooth is hidden.

Removal procedure

The removal of the impacted tooth is indicated, when there is not enough space for it in the dental arch, there is a pronounced pain syndrome, complications (periostitis, pulpitis, neuralgia, etc.), and also when the wrong position cannot be corrected. The procedure for removal of the impacted tooth is categorized as complex. It is necessary to achieve access to the tooth. Soft tissues are dissected, and a small portion of the bone is removed in the projected area of the impacted tooth, after which it is removed completely or in parts. After that, the wound is treated with antiseptics and sutured.

Contraindications to removal

Tooth extraction is not performed during pregnancy. In this regard, retention must be identified at the planning stage. Also, women should not plan the removal of the impacted tooth for the period of menstruation. The procedure should be postponed if there are problems with blood clotting, acute inflammatory processes, or exacerbation of diseases of the cardiovascular system. After the procedure for 3-4 hours should refrain from eating or drinking hot drinks. Until complete healing of the wound, it is necessary to avoid the use of hard, rough, temperature-contrasting products.

After your appointment

If you have had any wisdom teeth extraction procedures done:

  • Use ice packs as much as possible to prevent swelling during the first 48 hours
  • Do not rinse your mouth out on the day of the surgery as it will cause bleeding
  • Do not smoke for as long as possible after surgery
  • Be careful with hot food and drinks
  • Eat a soft food diet
  • On the day after the removal, rinse three times a day after meals with warm, salty water
  • Use Savacol mouthwash began from the following day, morning, and night.