Dental implants: Step-by-step guide
Missing a tooth or even several teeth can be life-changing for many people. Besides feeling self-conscious about your smile, long-term consequences such as speech problems, bone structure shrinkage, difficulty chewing, etc. may occur.
Dental implants are one of the best permanent solutions
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone. Over the course of several months, the bone surrounding the implant grows, holding it securely in place. Replacement teeth are then attached with a metal connector to the implant, filling in the gap.
Dental implant procedures are done in several steps over a period of around 3 to 9 months.
Who benefits from implantation?
Indications for treatment - the absence of one, two, three, or all teeth in the oral cavity, bone atrophy, stabilized periodontal disease, and even osteomyelitis of the jaw.
Modern dental implantation is represented by two treatment protocols: a two-stage with a delayed load, as well as a one-stage prosthesis with an immediate load. In the first case, crowns, a dental bridge or a conditionally removable prosthesis are fixed after complete engraftment of the implants, in the second, the prosthesis is fixed immediately.Marina Dentists specialize in the most modern methods of dental implantation. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages and is used for certain indications. We use an exclusively individual approach and select the most optimal prosthetic option for the patient, depending on the number of missing teeth, the condition of bone tissue and gums, the bite and the work of the jaw joint. It is important to not only restore teeth but also to give our patients the opportunity to return to a full life without pain and discomfort.

- minimally invasive: the installation of implants is carried out by puncture of tissues, without incisions and suturing. Due to this, the recovery period is reduced to 2-3 days. The implant is literally screwed into the bone, while the bone tissue is compacted around the structure, rather than being removed from the hole, which provides a tighter attachment of the titanium "screw" in the jawbone. The method is used to fix single-component implants,
- into the socket of the extracted tooth: the implant is placed in the hole where the living tooth was previously located. Two operations are performed simultaneously. Depending on the situation, it is possible to use both
- single-component and two-component implants,
- lateral: This is an outdated method that is practically not used today. It was used to install implants with a disc base - through a lateral incision in the gum and bone. Quite traumatic, in addition, the implant models themselves have ceased to be used because of the high risk of rejection.

How is dental implantation better than prosthetics?
Dental implantation is more expensive than classical prosthetics, but wins in all respects:- longer service life: the implants themselves with professional installation and careful care will last at least a couple of decades. Replacement of crowns is carried out without re-installation of implants,
- better appearance: the aesthetics of prostheses on implants are much higher since they have smaller dimensions, accurate positioning in the jaw taking into account anatomy and bite,
- solution of any problems: implantation allows you to restore both one and all teeth, and absolutely any prostheses can be fixed on implants, which means that the patient has a large selection of prosthetic options,
- increased degree of fixation of prostheses: even removable dentures are securely held on implants, they do not need to be constantly removed and you should not be afraid that they will fall out of the mouth when talking or eating food,
- preservation of own teeth: when restoring 1-2 teeth, neighboring ones are not affected and are not sharpened, since they are not used as a support for the dental bridge. Implantation restores the condition of the entire jaw apparatus - crowns provide support for antagonist teeth, and also protect neighboring teeth from displacement towards empty space in the row,
- bone tissue restoration: it is implantation, unlike dental bridges or removable dentures, that provides the jawbone with a load. When chewing food, the pressure on the tissue falls on the side of the installed implants (similarly, if living roots were preserved in the jaw). Due to this, metabolic processes are activated inside it, the bone functions naturally and does not atrophy.

Disadvantages of implantation
Dental implantation is becoming an increasingly popular solution to the absence of teeth every year. But in addition to significant advantages, it has certain drawbacks: a higher cost of treatment compared to traditional prosthetics, the need for surgical intervention and drug therapy, the likelihood of complications, and a rather long rehabilitation. In addition, implantation has certain contraindications for health reasons. In general, this method of restoring teeth in the long term justifies all investments: both material and temporary. Prostheses and implants serve for several decades, allowing you to fully eat and smile without embarrassment.ENGRAFTMENT OF DENTAL IMPLANTS AND POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS
According to statistics, implants take root in 98%. Isolated cases of rejection arise mainly due to the inexperience of the doctor, due to mistakes made or unaccounted diseases of the body, as well as due to patients ignoring the rules of rehabilitation and oral care. After installation, complete osseointegration (engraftment or fusion of the implant and bone tissue) occurs on average in six months. At this time, the load must be slightly reduced, including through the choice of lightweight models of prostheses (temporary or permanent, created from plastic). The quality of implant engraftment depends on several factors:- the quality of the implant itself,
- exclusion of contraindications to treatment,
- the professionalism of the doctor,
- the right tools for the job,
- sterility during the operation,
- compliance of the patient with all the requirements of the attending physician.
How to care for dental implants?
The rules for caring for implants are very simple - you need to regularly clean them, remove food residues after eating and visit the dentist 1-2 times a year to conduct a complex of professional hygiene in order to remove plaque and tartar. In the presence of implants, it is very important to pay attention to the condition of the gums, preventing their inflammation. To do this, it is recommended to use an irrigator - a device that allows you to clean hard-to-reach gaps, especially between the prosthesis and the gum - where the tops of the implants are located.
According to official data, dental implants last 10-15 years (middle-class models) and 20-25 years (premium segment models). However, in practice, implants installed professionally, fully accustomed and not giving complications in the first 1-2 years, can last until the end of life. And this is shown by real situations: even the very first implants installed in the 60s still are not causing problems.WARRANTY
We provide our patients with two types of guarantee: lifelong not only for implants (installed by the manufacturer) but also for the work of doctors on their installation. In order to maintain the guarantee, the patient must strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician on the load on the implants, lifestyle after surgery, the rules of rinsing and taking prescribed medications, and also not miss preventive examinations that allow you to assess the quality of the treatment.Alternatives to implantation
Alternative implantation methods are options for prosthetics based on their own living teeth, or on the gums. Since implantation solves the problems of missing teeth along with the roots, only dental bridges or removable dentures can be other options. They have their pros and cons, but the main drawback of such structures is the complete lack of protection of the bone from atrophy - due to the lack of load, it sags under the prostheses. Bridge prosthetics are several crowns, the outermost of which are fixed on two supporting teeth. Firstly, their tops are quite strongly sharpened, which later, if the bridge fails, will require the restoration of their own supporting teeth. Removable prosthetics are used to restore any number of teeth - from one to a full dentition. They have hooks (made of metal or plastic) that cling to the supporting living teeth. This is the most inexpensive option for restoring lost teeth, but at the same time relatively comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.Types of implants - an overview of the best systems

How to choose a quality dental implant?
When choosing a dental implant of a certain brand, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to several product characteristics:- material: the most modern implants are made of almost pure titanium (its content is about 99%). This is a metal that is fully integrated into our bodies and is not rejected by it. The composition of inexpensive implants may contain impurities of cheap metals, which can cause disruption of the engraftment process and a reduction in the service life of the product,
- spraying: the surface of the dental implant must be carefully processed (sandblasting followed by acid etching). Each company uses its own method, the goal of which is to obtain a rough or porous surface with a minimum amount of impurities (that is, sterile) - the success of the engraftment of structures and the rate of fusion with bone tissue depends on this. Its cells literally penetrate the pores of the implant,
- shape, and lineup: a company that strives to create quality implants should not release just one model. An implantologist who chooses a certain company for work needs a choice because the condition of the bone tissue is different for each patient.

Features of the choice of implants for immediate and delayed loading
Today, more than three dozen different implants are produced in the world, and these are only well-known brands. It is quite logical that many are known by patients, while others are not, which means they cause concern. In part, this is quite true - the older the company, the more experience it has. The more expensive implants are (as a rule), the more funds are invested in their improvement and research work, and the better they are clinically tested. In general, there is no ideal implant and 90% of the success of treatment depends on the work of the doctor, his experience, and professionalism. Nevertheless, the implant is also important - it should be comfortable to work with, it should be suitable for a specific patient, and allow for high-quality prosthetics. In general, the quality of the implant depends on the following characteristics:1. Shape of the implant
Modern implants must follow the shape of the tooth root, therefore, disc bases and various plates are not allowed. World practice has shown that these are not effective solutions. Today, implants are in the form of a cylinder with an active thread or a tooth root (cone). Their length is from 7 to 60 mm for fixation in various parts of the bone structure, not just in the jawbone, but also in other bones of the skull. In particular, in the area of the cheekbones, and chin.2. Material of the implant
It should be pure titanium without extraneous impurities (in particular, vanadium or aluminum), otherwise, the osseointegration indices of the implant deteriorate. But a number of companies offer more advanced alloys: for example, in the Straumann assortment there is a line of Roxolid implants, which are created from pure titanium with the addition of zirconium dioxide. In combination, these materials give incredible strength, so the structures are thinner - the boundaries of their use are significantly expanding. The risk of rejection is also minimized (like titanium, zirconium is completely biocompatible). The coverage of the models is active, so engraftment also remains at the highest level.
3. Outer surface
It is desirable that it be micro-rough. Bone cells penetrate into the pores, thereby providing reliable adhesion to the body of the implant, literally growing into it. Today, the RBM coating has gradually become a thing of the past (only sandblasting was carried out). It was replaced by the SLA technology, which additionally implies acid etching. But some manufacturers have gone even further - for example, Nobel and Straumann have created active coatings with various chemical applications that further stimulate the growth of bone cells. As a result, the implants grow together with the bone faster, which means that not only immediate but also accelerated loading of the prosthesis is possible.4. Implant thread
It should promote self-cutting and compaction of the bone during installation, and not its loss. This significantly improves the degree of primary implant stability. In addition, implants should be designed in such a way that their design contributes to the preservation of the level of the marginal bone, which borders the gum. According to studies, in a 5-year perspective, it sags by 1.5-2%, which is the norm. But a larger indicator is no longer acceptable - and this largely depends on the specific implant model.
5.Implant/abutment connection
It should be precisely aligned, without micro-gaps, with well-developed positioning of the abutment. Since this directly affects the distribution of the load on the implant and the durability of the installed denture. In addition, it is very important to use an original product that has been developed in combination. That is, to use implants and abutments of the same brand, otherwise, there is a high risk of too early failure of all structures.Rating of the best brands of implants
Based on the data presented, it is possible to compile a rating of implants that are ideal for immediate and delayed loading.BEST IMPLANTS FOR DELAYED LOAD:
- Straumann: high rates of primary stabilization, which allows prosthetics to be carried out even according to a two-stage protocol in 2-3 months; have one of the highest long-term implant survival rates,
- Nobel: Along with Straumann, it is the company that creates the world's best implant models. With excellent bone control, high stability, and minimal rejection,
- Osstem: According to numerous studies, they have a unique hydrophilic surface, which provides high levels of primary and subsequent stability in the bone.
- Nobel: They are rightfully considered one of the best solutions for immediate loading. Firstly, due to the active external coating, and secondly, due to the presence in the line of the zygomatic Zygoma models, which allows solving the most difficult situations of complete or partial absence of teeth in the upper jaw,
- Straumann: Due to their hydrophilic surface, these implants are excellent for immediate loading due to the highest primary stabilization in the bone,
- Oneway Biomed: This is a line of implants specifically designed for immediate loading. The models use even the deepest sections of the bone tissue, use other cranial bones, so their stabilization remains at the highest level immediately after installation, and several years after the active use of new teeth, it is significantly enhanced due to the growth and restoration of the jawbone
Brands we work with
We have selected brands of implants with which the maxillofacial surgeons and implantologists of our center have been working for more than a decade and have both their own proven treatment results and those presented directly by the manufacturing companies. Here are the main ones:
Premium Swiss implants. They are used for one-stage and two-stage implantation. Allows achieving very high aesthetics. They are created from an innovative alloy, which, in addition to titanium, contains zirconium. This allows you to create thinner implants, which are in no way inferior in strength to classical models, and to use them in the presence of a narrow alveolar ridge and a lack of bone tissue. They have a patented coating, which allows for reducing the time of implant engraftment to 3-4 months.