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Need help paying for essential dental treatment? We’ve got you covered!
From 1 December 2022, you can apply for up to $1,000 in a 52-week period to help cover the cost of immediate and essential dental work through WINZ (Work and Income). Best of all, you don’t have to pay it back!
Who can apply?
  • You must be over 16 years old and need dental treatment right now to stay well.
  • You need to be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident.
Can students apply?
Yes! If you’re a student and meet the criteria, you can also apply for the same support through StudyLink.
  • If you are between 18 and 64 years old, call 0800 559 009 for assistance.
  • If you are a student receiving money from StudyLink, you can call 0800 88 99 00 for help.
  • Over 65 years old? Call Work and Income directly at 0800 552 002 to find out how you can apply!
What dental treatments can the payment be used for?
  • Emergency dental treatment · essential dental treatment.
  • Emergency dental treatment means you must have this done right now.
  • Essential dental treatment means that you need to have this done to make sure you stay well.
What treatments are included?      
  • Consultations (including x-rays) which result in immediate and essential treatment.
  • Extractions (not for orthodontic purposes).
  • Fillings (tooth restorations).
  • Root canal treatment (excluding molars, unless exceptional circumstances exist).
  • Treating infections, including antibiotics and any temporary measures needed to enable permanent treatment.
What treatments are not included?
  • Regular dental check-ups.
  • Cosmetic treatments.
  • Clean, scale and polish.*1
  • Cast restorations.
  • Orthodontic treatment.
  • Molar root canal treatment.*2
  • Dentures.*3
  • Treatments that are co-paid by ACC.
  1. *The cost of teeth cleaning can be included if it’s required to treat a gum infection.
  2. *Unless there are exceptional circumstances that mean a molar root canal is essential for the person, eg, because they’ve had previous radiation therapy in the area.
  3. *People may be eligible for recoverable assistance for dentures.
What are the rules for eligibility?
MSD considers factors like:
  • Your income and your partner’s income
  • Any savings you have
  • The type of dental treatment you need
Assistance is income and asset tested
Assistance for immediate and essential dental treatment is income and asset tested. This means people need to have income and assets under certain levels as one part of qualifying for support.  
Below are the income and asset limits as at 1 April 2023:
Income limits
If you are: Weekly income before tax is less than
Single and 16 to 17 years old $737.86
Single and 18 years old or over $848.00
Couple (with or without children) $1,231.72
Sole parent with 1 child $1,029.02
Sole parent with 2 or more children $1,084.13
Asset limits
If you are: Your assets are worth less than
Single $1,193.21
Couple (with or without children) or sole parent $1,988.20
They’ll also check your assets—things you own that could be sold for money, such as:
  • More than one car
  • A house you own but don’t live in
  • Valuable items like a boat
Note – assets don’t include what you need for day-to-day living, eg your home or your car. They do include money in the bank, or things like a second property.
How to apply:
The first thing you need to do is to book a free 15 min appointment and get a free quote The second step is to apply for a dental treatment payment by: Visiting a Work and Income office, Calling Work and Income, Calling StudyLink, Applying through your MyMSD account it is a Work and Income website that lets you manage your Work and Income account. If you do not have a MyMSD account you can create one by clicking on Register for MyMSD at: https://my.msd.govt.nz  
 Useful links:
https://www.studylink.govt.nz/documents/msd-dental-treatment-payment-easy-read.pdf https://workandincome.govt.nz/dental-treatment https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/documents/online-services/mymsd-easy-read.pdf  
Don't wait—your dental health matters, and there’s help available when you need it.